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Saturday, 5 November 2016


How To Hack and Bypass Windows Login

Have you forgot your Win XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 8.1 logon password ? Do you want to access your friend’s or relative’s computer πŸ˜‰

In this guide, we will show you how to bypass a Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 logon password

We’ll use a Tool named Kon-Boot….It is paid software but allmost all softwares are crackable ans so is for Kon-Boot πŸ˜‰ Cracked Software Link given below πŸ™‚

Features of Kon-Boot

It Can Bypass Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
Kon-Boot is now able to bypass online account authorization on Windows 8/8.1
It will not overwrite your old password …it means that you can easily access you Friend’s or relative’s PC without getting caught :p
Fast, tiny and gets your job done !

What’s New ?

Windows 10 Supported (Offline only)

Steps To Bypass Windows Log-on using Pen-Drive

Download and Extract Kon-Boot 2.4.rar from the links given below
Plug in your Pen-Drive (Remove all other Pen-Drives)
Right click on “usb_install_RUNASADMIN.bat” located in kon-bootUSB folder and pick “Run As Administrator” option.
After Process Compeletion, Reboot
Choose Boot from USB from BIOS settings
Follow the installation procedure.
After Booting process you can login without password, just press “Enter”
Just Remove Kon-Boot PenDrive and Reboot to Get back the original Windows authentication functionality.

Steps To Bypass Windows Log-on using CD

Download and Extract Kon-Boot 2.4.rar from the links given below
Insert Empty CD in your Optical Disk Drive
Download and Install ImgBurn From the Links Given Below
Run ImgBurn program
Select “Write image file to disc”
Click “Browse”
Select “kon-bootCD.iso” – this file is located in your “kon-bootCD” directory.
You are ready to use your Kon-Boot
Choose Boot from CD from BIOS settings
Follow the installation procedure.
After Booting process you can login without password, just press “Enter”
Just Remove Kon-Boot CD and Reboot to Get back the original Windows authentication functionality.

How To Change Profile Password?

Boot with Kon-Boot
Navigate the Start Menu to Control Panel
Select “User Accounts and Family Safety”
(if the User Account Control window appears) Click “Yes” and leave the password field empty
Select “Create a new account”
Create the account (pick a name) and set the permissions (administrator).
Disconnect Kon Boot and restart the computer to restore original Windows authentication functionality.
After Restart, Select your new User Account (the account you have created)
Navigate the Start Menu to Control Panel
Select “User Accounts and Family Safety”
Select the target User Account (the one you want to change)
Select “Change the password”
Input the new information for the account and click “Change password”
You are done πŸ™‚


Copy the link below and Share with your Friends:

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