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Sunday, 15 May 2016

5 reasons y u shouldn't update your android phone

Since the Recent Update of Android Marshmallow to 6.0 comes with couple of improvements and Promising Features, These update is not for everyone out there as it comes with a lot of IssuesI have received hundreds of messages by fans complaining about numerous Challenges they faces After updating their Android Devices to Marshmallow 6.0.Well These Article is not convincing of you not to update your Device to Mashmalow 6.0 But to make you realize the whole issues that await after Updating.
1.Marshmallow Drains battery:Genuine Battery Drainage is one major issue of Marshmallow. I have received many complaints about battery drainage by my blog Readers.The best asnswer to what cause this genuine battery drainage is due to several background processes which Marshmallow featured.
2.Marshmallow app crashes or freezes:This is another issue associated with Marshmallow Update is random app crashes and occassionalfreezing which is attributed to mismatch API Issues.Marshmallow is API 23 and not all apps are compatible with it yet).
3.[b]Marshmallow randomly reboots Itself:This is a common issue that await you almost immediately after you have updated your device to 6.0 mostly when plugged into power.
4.Marshmallow Wi-Fi problems:With no reasonable explanation to this Marshmallow sometimes fails to locateWiFi network even when in WiFi Range.Though this can be fix by toggling the airplane mode and re scanning the network again. But must we have to gothrough all these every time?
5.Marshmallow data problems:You may start experiencing occassional data disconnection and in most cases the network data wouldn’t even come on.

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