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Sunday, 10 April 2016

Mtn bis new connection method cracked

MTN BB10 Plan is very hard to activate thisday with the old subscription codes. Lots ofyou guys might have tried to activate theplan, but you always got failed errormessage, possibly it's as a result of theirsystem upgrade while you might havethought that MTN had cancelled the BB10plan. This is to let you know that MTN BB10packages are still alive, just that MTN hasupdated the BB10 plans subscription codes,but the price is still the same. Now youcandial any of the below new codes tosubscribe for MTN BB10 Plan, your favoriteway to enjoy unlimited surfing with PC andAndroid device.Mtn BB10 MINI (Old BBLite) New Subscription Code» Daily plan, dial *131*6*3*1# Cost N70(Bblited)» Weekly plan, dial *131*6*3*2# Cost N350(Bblitew)» Monthly plan, dial *131*6*3*3# Cost N1000(Bblitem)Or Simply Dial *216*3# and follow the instructions.Mtn Bblite or Bb10 mini is capped 5Gb.MTN BB10 MIDI NEW SUBSCRIPTION CODE» Daily plan, dial *131*6*4*1# Cost N100» Weekly plan, dial *131*6*4*2# Cost N550» Monthly plan, dial *131*6*4*3# CostN1,500Mtn BB10 Midi is capped 10Gb.You can also dial *131# , then press 6 andfollow the instruction on the screen tosubscribe for any of the above plans.You might wonder about the pricedifferences as they are serving the samepurpose, but note that BB10 MIDI plansaremore stable, with more data cap and itsbrowsing speed fasterthan BB10 MINI and your BB10 MIDI plansmay even exceed the normal validity datebefore it expired.still-working...Below are the additional working proxyservers, which you can use for MTN BB10via your VPN»»»

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