April 2016 - Bloggerdroidseo Where bloggers relate to learn blogging tips and tricks Bloggerdroidseo Where bloggers relate to learn blogging tips and tricks : April 2016


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How To Use Your Android Device as Keyboard and Mouse
Sharing of Apk Files on Whatsapp Made Easier
9mobile Special Data, Get 1GB Data for N200 and 5GB for N1000
New Method To Activate MTN 100% Double Data Bonus Via IMEI Tweaking

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Musicplus is rocking with new settings

I no that some of u av been complaining that maybe mtn have blocked it or not .......but d answer is no its still there but with different settings.  Let's rock on

Subscribe by sending c to 5900 costs N15
now open your psiphon handler and config as follows

tick remove port
Custom header: Google.com-o
proxy type: real host
proxy server" musicplus.mtnonline.com/freeproxy.ru
real proxy type: inject
real proxy server leave empty
Real proxy port" 80
Click save a popup window will appear. Click tunnel whole device
That's all.

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Tuesday, 12 April 2016

how to stop or bar a number from calling u

Before you stop a particular number from calling ur line, you have to first of all create a pin with that particular line (number)  . For instance,  you want to stop or bar Andrew's whose phone numbers are 08032326986 from calling your. Now look at what you will do

Create s pin with Andrew phone number.  To create a pin , dial. *602*0000*32326986#yes/ok
Note; Do not put 070 or 080 while creating a pin. Your pin must be 8 digits after 080 or 070 from the person's phone numbers starting from the right

To stop that particular number (Andrew)  , just dial *32322686# yes/0k
Anytime that number calls u (Andrew)  it will not connect
'To cancel. press #330*pin#yes/ok

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How to make a conference call with your phone

What is a conference call? A conference call is a call whereby 2 or more persons are connected with your ,mobile phone . In a conference call,  you connect up to 5 persons.

Dial the number of the person you want to call and send it , immediately d person picks it, u tell him or her not to cut it that u want to connect another person.  Then ;press the top button by your left .This tings will appear

Scroll to "hold" and select it to keep the person on hold. Dial another number or u go to your phone book and select another number and send it while d first person is on hold. Immediately the second person picks it,  you press the top button by your left. These things will appear

CONFERENCE CALL/Join Together /Multiparty
scroll to conference call and select immediately you select it, three of u will be connected and at the same time discussing with each other.  With this, you can connect up to 5 persons

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Sunday, 10 April 2016

To all that was given 7.5gb read this

MTN And Their Devil's Giveaway/Gift *** I was very sure It has a hidden price tag ****Early this Morning(@about 04:38am), MTN intentionally made an opening regarding their Data Subscription..."Send 102 or 101 to 131"...For 7.5GB or 4.5GB*****Many who were successfully credited never came across the Message disclaimer/Publication below...-----------------MTN Data SubscriptionWe are glad to announce to you that many of our Subscribers are activating the 7.5GBand 4.5GB at the rate of #8,000 and #2,500 respectively. We decided to make it free for you for the first time as we would start the DEDUCTION from every recharge you make as from 20th day of April, 2016.MTNSigned: Management-------------------‪#‎Am_Just_Dumbfounded‬‪#‎PityThoseWhoFell‬‪#‎MTNCantGiveFree

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Mtn 100h with 100mb alternative to bis

1. Check if your sim is eligible by dialing *567*58# or
*567*59# try subscribing, if you are told you have
insufficient balance your sim is eligible but if not you
would be told your sim isn't eligible
2. Subscription code *567*58# cost #100, *567*59# cost
#150 both are unlimited, when you subscribe for that of
#100 you would be told you subscribed to the 100mb
unlimited plan, that of #500 you would be told 500mb,
don't worry it is not limited, subscribe and download as
much as you want tested and confirmed by me.
3. This is far better than Mtn BBLITE because this one
requires no application, you just subscribe, insert your
sim on any device and use, you can share your data
connection via Wifi.

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How to bypass tweakware 150mb limit

Tweakware VPN is one of the most reliable VPN that needs less configuration when you want to enjoy free browsing on your android smartphone. With the bundled settings, you can easily select the Bundled plan you want to use. The only hinderance in the Tweakware VPN is the $5 cost required to activateyour Premium Servers for unlimited data usage. Many people have found it hard paying for premium servers and go on using the free servers that is capped 150mb dialy. It hinders you from enjoying your bundled settings tothe optimum usage.Today, I will teach you how to bypass Tweakware 150mb limit on free serversdialy and use unlimited data dialy. Thisprocess is very simple and requires your android phone to be rooted in order for this to work effectively. This involves changing your android phone ID once you have almost reached the required data bundle 150 limit.First, Download id chanhger here   Install it and copy down your ID number in a book or somewhere safe for safety reasons.Click on "Tap Random ID" in the centreand wait for it to show device ID changed successfully.Disconnect your Tweakware VPN if connected and connect it again. You will notice that your Tweakware Mb limit has increased back to 150mb limit.Repeat the process again If you have almost reached the Tweakware VPN limit data usage.Enjoy Tweakware VPN unlimited for free now...If you experience any problems, ask using the comment box.

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Mtn bis new connection method cracked

MTN BB10 Plan is very hard to activate thisday with the old subscription codes. Lots ofyou guys might have tried to activate theplan, but you always got failed errormessage, possibly it's as a result of theirsystem upgrade while you might havethought that MTN had cancelled the BB10plan. This is to let you know that MTN BB10packages are still alive, just that MTN hasupdated the BB10 plans subscription codes,but the price is still the same. Now youcandial any of the below new codes tosubscribe for MTN BB10 Plan, your favoriteway to enjoy unlimited surfing with PC andAndroid device.Mtn BB10 MINI (Old BBLite) New Subscription Code» Daily plan, dial *131*6*3*1# Cost N70(Bblited)» Weekly plan, dial *131*6*3*2# Cost N350(Bblitew)» Monthly plan, dial *131*6*3*3# Cost N1000(Bblitem)Or Simply Dial *216*3# and follow the instructions.Mtn Bblite or Bb10 mini is capped 5Gb.MTN BB10 MIDI NEW SUBSCRIPTION CODE» Daily plan, dial *131*6*4*1# Cost N100» Weekly plan, dial *131*6*4*2# Cost N550» Monthly plan, dial *131*6*4*3# CostN1,500Mtn BB10 Midi is capped 10Gb.You can also dial *131# , then press 6 andfollow the instruction on the screen tosubscribe for any of the above plans.You might wonder about the pricedifferences as they are serving the samepurpose, but note that BB10 MIDI plansaremore stable, with more data cap and itsbrowsing speed fasterthan BB10 MINI and your BB10 MIDI plansmay even exceed the normal validity datebefore it expired.still-working...Below are the additional working proxyservers, which you can use for MTN BB10via your VPN»
us.blackberry.com» uk.blackberry.com» de.blackberry.com

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Saturday, 9 April 2016

How to transfer airtime from glo to glo

Before u can transfer credit on glo network, u , must activate glo me2u features.  To activate glo me2u, follow d procedure below
send "ACT" Without quotes to 131. D will send u bak sms asking u to create Or change your password for; security purpose . To create or change pin just dial *132*00000*new password *new password#  click ok
Example; *131*8056712930*100*123# okay

Note; your password can be aNy for digits number e.g 1234, 7227, 7277 etc. after creating or changing ur password anytime u want to transfer credit look at what u will do press *131*recipient's number * amount *pin#

Note ; Recipient number must start with 8 and not 0 e.g 8058642356 not" (08058642356)

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The easy way to convert network back to your phone

What is network? Network is a complicated system of roads, lines , tubes nerves etc that cross each other and are connected to each other.  Before you can be able to convert network back to your phone, you must know the cause of network.  There are four cause of network failure.
1. Network failure caused by environment
2. Network failure caused by phone
3. Network failure by line(simcard)
4. Network failure by system (network provider)
Network failure due to environment
Network failure can be caused by environment due to haphard system of building in our society.  There are some environment that always have limited service or network . Any network failure caused by environment can be connected through this way
* Remove your battery from the phone
* Look for small naked wire
* Fix or tie it near the simcard based. (I.e near the simcard area)
* Put it back and battery and switch on the phone, network will not disturb u sgain
NB. Before u do.it, your phone must be.in automatic network selection.


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The method of correcting quick battery discharge (after full charging

Some batteries after fully charged..will show battery low after some minutes ..dis problem is mainly occur in china battery due to hot alkassem content of the battery ...if ur battery is having this kind of problem look at what to do to stop it
* Bring out the battery from your phone after fully charged
* Clean it with methylated spirit
* Fold it in a polythene bag so that water will not penetrate
* put it in a freezer at 75°c for 48hrs (2 days)
* Bring it out from the freezer and clean with.cloth
* Put it.back into your phone and charged it again the problem will stop

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