NEW VPN CALLED PRONET VPN FOR MTN 0.0K - Bloggerdroidseo Where bloggers relate to learn blogging tips and tricks Bloggerdroidseo Where bloggers relate to learn blogging tips and tricks : NEW VPN CALLED PRONET VPN FOR MTN 0.0K


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Saturday, 20 February 2016


: ProNet Vpn is another powerful molded Free browsing tool for you to have a wonderful free browsing experience, pronet is a newly molded tool but it has been tested and well known for its stability and fastness. Talking about free browsing, We are now in possession of a new tool and more powerful tool to aid our internet surfing desires. Talking about stability and fastness, pronet vpn is an advanced version of psiphon with nice, great, some awesome features and its even more active connection. Gone are the days where you get unnecessary disconnection while surfing the net. with pronet vpn u stay active on the internet without any sign of connection problem unlike OpenVPN,syphon shield, Netify Vpn, PSiphon , Tweakware and so on.                                              How To Configure ProNet Vpn

Handler Menu is Patched Into ProNet Vpn just like that of Psiphon , and every other VPN stated above. 
So pronet settings is no different from Psiphon Handler, So setting it for your current browsing won't be a problem since we re all familiar with psiphon's settings.
: Another free browsing app for  mtn discovered and tested By born 2 shine

No much talk, let's begin

1.  Download pro NET v10.10 below

2.  After downloading and installing the app, open your pro NET v10.10  app  then do this��

3.   under Proxy type select ‘‘real host”

4.   Under Proxy server: type in'

Note:don't change any thing over there ��  just write every thing you saw there..(OBEDIENT IS BETTER THEN SACRIFICES)

Then leave the others and save.

5.   Then click on Option => More options.

6.  Under “proxy settings”
’click  the “connect through an HTTP Proxy” box.

Use the following settings

7.  host Address:
Port: 8080
Then start the app
                     8.don't configure your phone settings just leave it in default and sulp
Then leave the proxy and blank port.....

100% working...discovered and  tested by TREVOR JACKSON (ANSELM)

Note: It blaze,it does disconnect easily,very easy to connect and it powers all app and the

That's all, if it  doesn't work, just close the app and re-enter it again then begin to flex��...pls don't edit this suff and start changing anything oo... Its 100%  working I(trevor jackson☀) discovered it and tested it⚡⚡
: Link to download  the app
Is here

Copy the link below and Share with your Friends:

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