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Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Real method of unbanning your 2go acct

Its no new news that 2go interactive have started
banning users from their site, this is because of
increasing amount of fraud, invalid ads, profanity,
hacked accounts, and other Anti-socialism
showned by users, 2go is growing rapidly and they
have to take this steps to ensure a safe chatting experience. It must be very hurtful to start from Novice and
even get past proffesional to find out your
account has been banned by 2go, most of you will
be forced to quit the app because it can be
devastating to spend so much effort boosting
your 2go star only to end up being banned by 2go. i'm going to Explain some of the reasons why 2go
took this step to start banning users. firstly you
need to know 2go is an interactive and not a place
for violence, 2go ban users mainly because of this
defects from users, mind you, 2go can check all
your chat history from day1, if you have been reported by your friend for either posting or
encouraging porn content then you are at risk of
getting your account banned. Also if you spam in the rooms or use profane or
being insultive then you'll have the risk of getting
banned by 2go.
If you get banned it can be very difficult
retrieving back your account but hey! That's what
you're here for isn't it? So burgle up cause you'll get that banned account back within 2days
**Winks**. But remember after I show you tha
steps in retrieving your banned account you must
not continue violating 2gos TOS (terms of
service). Terms of service is defined as the rules
set by 2go in order for them to serve you and or continue serving you. You must try to make them
or to say it simpler, you must try to make them
understand you were ignorant or you are sorry
for violating their rules. Steps To Unban Your Account 2go has provided a friendly function where users
can get Help and fix account issues, though their
new "version" has options to edit your location,
age, and even gender via the app.
Now to unban your 2go account goto 2go official website And locate Help beneath the website and click on it, it will immediately prompt you to choose your
country, choose your country and you'll see some
options then you'll see I was banned Unfairly click
on it, when this is done, you'll see a message like
this: “2go takes abusive behaviour very seriously to
protect its users and provide a positive chat
environment. Please read the 2go Room rules
when entering chatrooms. The 2go moderators are
carefully chosen and trained to be fair. All bans
are reviewed to ensure they are unbiased. If you still feel you were unfairly banned click here”
click the link and you'll see a review form.
Now input the following in the review form! Your banned 2go username: your username should be here. Your mobile number: the mobile number you used in activating you 2go account (number you used in
registering) Room you were banned in: in this case if its a room you were banned in kindly insert the name
of the room but if its your whole account input
"Generally banned" Ban ID for the ban you are reporting: input the ID of the ban if you can't find the ID you can till
input "Generally banned" Why is your ban unfair? copy the below I was ignorant and was not aware that I could
be banned, I may use profanity, abuse or harass
another user just out of ignorance/fun, I've
enjoyed the 2go service and will like to enjoy
more, the change in terms of service or sudden
action in punishing anti-socials in you platform has affected me a lot and have made me a
victim to a huge loss of my friends and vanity
of willingness to improve my star progress, out
of ignorance I plead for you to pardon me for
my ignorance as a last warning, as I love 2go
messaging and wouldn't want to leave your great platform as banning and ignorant is considered
unfair. Thank you Team 2go. I hope to get
unbanned soon.

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